On August 8th,

Surprise Someone With Something Good.

Surprise Someone


On August 8th, Help Spread a Little Goodness in the World.

We’ve ALL had a rough couple years . . .

Most of us lost loved ones during the pandemic.

The political climate seems to be dividing us further.

Headlines are often filled with shootings, sadness, and sorrow.

Some of us are struggling with addiction or mental health challenges.

Imagine if we could make the world a little brighter together.

On August 8th, let’s all do something nice to lift each other’s spirits.

Let’s celebrate National Surprise Day together...

Do Good, Feel Good.

Believe it or not… there is evidence that shows helping others can benefit your own wellbeing.

It can reduce stress, improve your mood, raise self-esteem, and increase overall happiness.

By doing good for others, you can actually feel good!

That’s one of the many positive benefits of participating in National Surprise Day on August 8th.

And, it only takes a few minutes to do something good for someone!

Start by taking 5 minutes to think of a family member, a friend, a neighbor, or even a coworker.

On National Surprise Day, doing and feeling good is so easy!

Start by taking FIVE MINUTES to think of a family member, a friend, a neighbor, or even a coworker.


  • What do they enjoy?
  • What makes them happy?
  • How can I do something nice for them?

Once you have that idea for what you want to do, on August 8th, National Surprise Day, do it.

SURPRISE THEM by doing something nice…

It can be a gesture…
It can be a gift…
It can be a meal…
It can be a few kind words…
It can be anything to brighten up their day and bring them joy.

On August 8th, let’s show our friends, family, and community that we are in this together. Let’s all do something good.

Nice Things You Can Do . . .

Want to take part in National Surprise Day on August 8th, but not sure what to do?

Here are some ideas of nice things you can do:

Here are some things to avoid…

It’s up to you how you want to celebrate National Surprise Day.

If you do something nice for someone on August 8th, you are making the world a better place.

Help Us Spread the Word

Show the world you’re participating in by sharing one of our graphics on your social media!

Instagram Graphics

Facebook Graphics

Designers! Artists! Help Spread the Word With Your Work!

Submit Your Artwork »  NationalSurpriseDay@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions
About National Surprise Day

Why celebrate National Surprise Day on August 8th?

August 8th is 8/8… and the word “surprise” has eight letters in it. 

If you can spell “surprise,” you can remember what day it is each year. Also, August kind of needed something special.

Why do we give once a year?

We should give to others all year round, but for many that can be difficult for various reasons. National Surprise Day is our commitment to bringing positivity into the world. August 8th is one day in the year to celebrate giving to others, no strings attached. Feel free to spread joy every day, but do something special on National Surprise Day.

What if I have no money to buy anything?

That is okay! Not everyone can afford to buy a gift for someone and you aren’t required to buy something. The best solution is to make something special for someone. You could write a poem. You could write a song. National Surprise Day is about giving and spreading joy to the world.

What if I give gifts, but no one reciprocates?

Great question. National Surprise Day is about giving to others without expecting anything in return. It’s sort of like paying it forward or putting positive karma out in the world. If you give goodness, you will get it in return. It might not be in the form of a gift, but that positivity will come back to you in some shape or form.

Is there another National Surprise Day?

To our knowledge, no. But, we’ve read rumors about one. On August 8th, we want everyone to make a conscious effort to do something good. Let’s change the world together. Our National Surprise Day is here to spread joy and bring happiness into our lives.

What if I want to do something good for more than one person?

The more good in this world, the better. Together, we can do anything. Feel free to give to as many people as you can. Remember, you can do good for anyone. It can be your friend, a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker, even a complete stranger.

On this day, please take part by giving a few random friendly SURPRISE gifts to others. 

  • These gifts can be anything… 
  • They should be from the heart.
  • You can plan them.
  • You can make them from scratch.
  • They could be monetary.

Support the Creator

Pete Campbell is a dynamic and creative leader. His background spans over 15 years in marketing, video production, sales, and design.

Pete created National Surprise Day to spread a little goodness in the world. He first conceived of the idea in 2014, but was unable to bring the vision to life at the time. After the past few years, he felt compelled to change that.

National Surprise Day brings people together and helps spread goodness in the world. Please join us in celebrating it on August 8th each year.

Help support Pete, so he can continue to do more good in the world!

Pete Campbell
Creator of National Surprise Day
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